Hi there! Long time no see, but I’m back with an update about my life. A lot has happened since I wrote my last blog post about my travel month and saying goodbye to my host family…
Hey guys… During the baseball season my family needs me a lot on the weekends so I try to use my free weekend as best as possible. Last weekend I went on a trip to New Orleans with two of my closest friends here…
Hi again! I feel like you all got to know me a bit better in my last blog post, both in terms of myself but also my host family. I’m so excited for my life in Boston to begin! But before my departure, I have quite a lot of stuff to do! Some, I have already ticked off of my list, but I thought that in this blog post, I could share one of the bigger things on my to do list; namely my appointment at the American Embassy here in Sweden for my J-1 visa.
Many of you have followed along my journey over the last year or so. And the time has come that my au pair experience is over. It’s a bitter-sweet feeling. On one hand, I’m excited to start my new chapter as a married woman and begin my new life, yet on the other hand it’s the end of an era…
I have been very busy with travelling, thinking about extending and if not what to do next and, of course, I am still au-pairing 5-6 days a week… Besides all that, I also had a little bit of a writers block and I had no idea what to write about. I was procrastinating, but I am hoping to make it up to you by sharing all of my travel tips with you!
Many au pairs simply have to drive their kids to after-school-activities. But this is not the case for me this year… Even if we don’t have any activities planned, our days are packed!
New blogger alert! We’re beyond excited to finally introduce to you: Minna, our first ever Swedish Au Pair in America blogger. Minna will be heading to the states in July of this year – so you will be able to follow her journey from day one, including her last final weeks back home in Sweden. Ready or not – here she comes!
I know that a lot of you guys are thinking about becoming an Au Pair, but maybe you are too afraid to make the final step. In that case, please…
I still remember arriving at my host family’s place like it was yesterday. All of the other au pairs on my train were so nervous and we tried to calm each other down. Some of them had talked to their families a lot, some just emailed a few times back and forth. I am their fifth au pair, so while all the other families were waiting with posters and balloons at the train station, it was just my host dad who came to pick me up.
Meet this month’s Au Pair Buddy – or shall we say, Au Pair Buddies? 😊 Pati from Chile, and Lottie from the UK!