Becky gave up her job as a teacher to pursue her passions of looking after children and experiencing life in the USA! Hi Guys! My name is Rebekah and…
July 2017
Mexican au pair Ileana is getting ready to start her time as an au pair in America. She shares how she felt preparing to move way from home to live…
Do you wish you could repeat your Au Pair in America experience? Now you can… BECOME AN AU PAIR IN AMERICA… AGAIN! Au Pair in America is offering…
Living in the USA for one year as an au pair can provide you with skills and experiences that will set you up for life… (knowing how to make friendship…
Kristie-Leigh tells us all about being an au pair in San Diego and how she got her study credits in the BEST way! “I’M SO GLAD I CHOSE TO…
From Scotland to Washington D.C, au pair Laura gives us the lowdown on why she became an Au Pair in America and her experience of life in the US so…
“I like to think I was meant to come here. The friends I have made during this year will truly be lifelong friends.” Canadian au pair Lynsey tells us what…
We caught up with Irish au pair Carrie to see what she’s been up to in her first month as an Au Pair in America! This blog post comes…