Hello again guys! Last time I wrote a blog post summer was still holding a very tight grip around Boston, but finally two weeks ago my favorite season arrived, namely Autumn.

I couldn’t be more happy to be honest, I mean I like the summer, but I love the fall. In the fall you can drink cappuccinos, wear cozy sweaters and scarves, read a book inside bundled up in a bunch of blankets while the rain is pouring outside and watch how the trees around you turn into dozens of different beautiful colors.
What’s there not to like?

But okay, what have I been up to? A lot actually! Fifty days have turned into a hundred and I feel completely settled in here in Boston. The weeks just keeps flying by, but I’ve managed to tick a few more things of of my bucket list! I’ve been to a concert at TD Garden, I’ve visited Harvard, gone shopping at a huge outlet, been to IKEA and bought my Halloween costume.

And do you guys know what else happened? Hold onto your hats, because I’ve officially completed a quarter of my Au Pair year. How in the world did that happen? Didn’t I arrive a few weeks ago? If the first three months are supposed to be the longest ones, how come it feels like I blinked and they disappeared? All I can say is is that these past three months has been the most challenging, but also the most rewarding three months of my life. And I’ve got nine months left of experiences to live through over here, and for that I’m so grateful.

My family is literally the best, I don’t know if you guys are familiar with something called “The Honeymoon Phase”, it’s a period in the beginning where everything is great, and only great, and it can last a day to a few months to a couple of years, anyway, it doesn’t feel like mine has ended yet. It’s just one great thing after another. It can be getting a cute text from my host mom to getting a hug from my shy host kid.
I’m so glad that I chose this family, and that they chose me.

At first when I applied I thought that I wanted to work with older kids. Eight, at the youngest. But boy was I wrong! I love living with my family, and I especially love my time with my two year old. I love her hugs and snuggles, I love seeing her smile each morning when she sees me, I love reading her stories and I love when I hear her say a new word. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows of course, but all of what I mentioned above totally makes up for the less fun parts…

So to all of you guys out there who wonders what family is best for you, even if it’s a bit of a cliché, listen to your gut. It’s almost always right.
Oh and the next few months I expect will fly by as well, my family is coming to visit in just a couple of weeks over Halloween, then a few weeks after that it’s Thanksgiving and then it’s December and before you know it it’s Christmas and then New Years Eve. Holy smokes, I better gear up…

Hope you guys are enjoying the fall, see you next time!