On Monday, The White House announced that the US is easing travel restrictions and lifting the 33-country specific travel ban that have been in place since 2020! Yay! So, if you’ve been waiting for your Au Pair in America journey to start, here’s some key information to know about the US travel ban being lifted:
- From November onwards (date TBC), the US is permitting entry to fully vaccinated travellers. This means that you can match to join a family from November.
- We are waiting for the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) to publish official guidelines regarding which vaccinations will be accepted plus what to do if you are medically exempt from the vaccination. Please await further updates from us.
- Vaccinated travellers will also have to test negative for the virus within three days before departure.
- The US embassy in your home country is likely to become very busy. We are yet to fully understand the visa appointment wait times. Your local Au Pair in America partner and our head office team will guide you through the visa process once you are matched with a family.
- We will publish updates on our Instagram and Facebook pages, share with you via email, and add to the Resources in your myaupairamerica.com profile. Please keep a regular check for notifications from us. Want to make sure your application is perfect? Here’s 7 tips to improve your application!
P.S, Au Pair in America wants to thank each and every one of you who have been patient, understanding, and resilient over the past year whilst waiting for your APiA journey to begin. Thanks for hanging in there. Let’s go and get you the adventure you deserve!