As you all know, International Au Pair Day is arriving on November 24th 2019! This is a day to celebrate and unite all au pairs, including the au pairs of the past!
We reached out to some of our ex au pairs to hear how being an Au Pair in America impacted their lives in the best way possible.
Francesca – Head Fashion Designer in Dubai

“It had been the hardest, happiest, most difficult and most amazing 365 days of my life… and now I’m sure that I will never be completely at home again because part of my heart will always be in America.
That year opened my eyes to many things and many people. I’ve lived abroad, understood other cultures, and because of that, my understanding of myself and my own culture increased exponentially. I’ve felt part of several families around the US (that I will always hold dear to my heart and I’ll never thank enough). I’ve learned how to be independent and above all how to enjoy my own company. I’ve realized that it’s possible leaving the past behind and embracing the future. I’ve started saying “who cares” and doing what I like beside other people’s judgment.
I’ve experienced what freedom really means, and being accepted for who you are. I had the chance to study in one of the best fashion schools in the world, and met amazing people from all around the globe. This lead me here in Dubai, where I’m doing the job of my dreams as a head designer in one of the biggest haute couture houses. This hasn’t been an easy year but for sure it has been the best of all. I wouldn’t be here and I wouldn’t be the same strong, independent woman I am today if I didn’t decided to step out of my comfort zone and move to the US.”
Weronika – Journalism in Poland

“I exactly remember the day when I found out about Au Pair in America program. I can clearly recall the feeling I had in that moment. Maybe it’s ridiculous comparison but it was like a true love– I didn’t consider all the pros and cons, I just knew it was right thing for me to do. I stuck to my guns and I made it!
Right now, I am one year after accomplishing this program so, technically, I am not an au pair anymore. However, deep inside I know I am gonna be “an au pair from Texas” forever, because I am never going to forget about the amazing host family I spent 2018 with. By the end of the program, the ‘host’ part goes away and in the end they stay as family.
Afterwards, we do come back home and keep going with our lives. Future au pairs are probably still high school students, university students or workers, but we have one thing in common- we are not made for this program. This program is made for us. It gives possibilities, purpose, ups and downs, and mostly a huge satisfaction that we had the courage to do something for ourselves.
After program like this we get these benefits like better English, overseas friends, association with a new culture, college courses- that is obvious. But honestly, other than that I learnt that I should always trust my heart, my brain and the timing of my life. Everything happens for a reason and no person or situation is accidental. I love to keep talking about the au pair program because for me it was really a dream come true and I want to share my experience with young people to show them, that it’s worth it to give yourself a time to decide what you want to do in the future. When I was off to America, I had drop out of a university, I wasn’t sure about my future career, I didn’t know where I am going to live. Thanks to this year in the US not only I got answers for all those questions but mostly I got the self-confidence to follow my other dreams”
Malin – Social Work Student in Sweden

“The program impacted my life a lot! I grew so much as a person and I realized things about myself that I didn’t know before. I pushed all my limits and I am so proud of myself for doing it! I met a ton of new people and made friends and family for life. I’m so thankful for everything that my American life gave me!
I think this experience may help me getting a good job when I’m done studying. It will hopefully show the employees that I am independent, brave and responsible. This experience has also helped me develop my English skills which will help me to communicate and work with people all around the world. My year as an Au pair has made me realize that it’s important to take risks and get yourself out of your comfort zone to become a better person and to live your live to the fullest!
Au pairs should be celebrated because, as an au pair you are working very hard even though it might not look like it. Leaving your home country to adapt and discover a whole new country with tons of new cultures, that is impressive. I’m so proud of all the other au pairs who are working so hard every day. We are so brave and so strong and I think it’s important to show that to the world!”
Morgane – Travel Agent in France

“This experience was so deep and powerful. It change my entire vision of life. Before this adventure I was lost and my eyes on the world were close. Because of my adventure, and especially thanks to my host mom, I realized my potential and opened my mind to the world.
I had such a wonderful experience as an au pair, I had two sweet little boys, two puppies and two parents who where absolutely wonderful to me. I just enjoyed every little second of my time as an au pair. I was considered a part of the family, the big sister for the kids, the best friend to the host mom and a friend to the dad.
This adventure allowed me to :
- Speak English fluently
- Build a new family across the world
- Open my mind to others and let people in
- Live at 100% every step of my life
- Find a new career path
- Cherish the memories with my own family even more
- See half of the united states and learn about the American culture and history
- Be organized, patient and responsible
- Learn about the American education
I cannot even describe how everything changed since my au pair time, and I always be thankful to my host family and Gina my LCC who was always there for me.
When I feel sad, or i feel like the world is against me, I remember those days with my host mom – we were sitting outside talking about nothing and everything at the same time, she told me that I was not aware of my potential and couldn’t see all the good I was doing around me. With some sparkle in her eyes, I could see that she was genuinely telling what she really thought about me. And I felt so important and proud of myself for few minutes.
This memory is the most precious, and I will always cherish it”
Ginevra – Nursery Assistant in England

“It completely changed me. It made me grow as a person, it made me braver, more responsible and more patient. It opened my eyes, my mind and my heart.
Au Pairs deserve to be celebrated because it takes a big heart and a lot of courage to get far from your family at a young age to take care of little humans and to dive into a new culture!
After the program, I returned to my home country (Italy) at the end of August and then moved to Oxford, UK in October.
Right now I’m working in a hotel, but I’m getting my documents ready so I can work as a nursery assistant!”