My name is Olivia I’m 26 years old and I’m from Mérida, Yucatan, Mexico. I lived my Au Pair experience in Texas (close to Dallas city!) I just finished my year a few weeks ago and I’m so happy to share with you everything that I lived during my amazing year.
I’m a nutritionist with a diploma in Paediatric Nutrition, and I’m a ballet dancer. I love to dance, sing, do exercise, food, chocolate and I’m a big fan of Disney!
I met my host family right after my profile was online and we just talked 2 times before we matched. It’s was a nice surprise when I met them! They gave a cute basket with candies and a few things so I can feel warm and welcome. We did 2 trips (Colorado and Florida) during the year and a lot of family events. They are very special to me, because since the moment I got there, they gave me confidence and made me feel part of their family. I took care of 3 kids and they became so big at the end of my year! I can’t believe it happened so fast and how kids can change during this time a lot! I love and miss them so much. And of course it was hard to say goodbye at the end. I’m totally sure that we’re going to see each other again, and hopefully here in Mexico.
Friendship is very important while you’re an Au Pair, it’s amazing how can you meet people all over the world and become your best friends for life! Mine are so special because we loved to hang out together an travel and we know that this will be a friendship for life.
During my year I was able to travel before the quarantine in all Texas cities (Dallas, San Antonio, Austin and Houston), New Orleans, Chicago, Colorado, Oklahoma and Florida for my last vacation with my host family days before I finished my year. I love to travel! Been in new cities and places, eat and try different foods is what is so exciting for me. I’m happy that I finished my year with a lot of new experiences, people, food and cultures that I will keep forever in my heart.
The American culture is different in many ways compared to mine. I was excited to live the Holidays here (Halloween it’s my favorite) so this one it was my top one of course! We did the pumpkins, trick or treat and ate a lot of candies.
Being an Au Pair helped me a lot to grow up as a person, be independent, do and think for me first more than anyone else.
Goodbyes are always hard to say and for me it wasn’t the exception. My last days in USA were a hurry but also funny with all my friends and host family love, and I’m glad that I did it!

Right now, I’m focusing on my life how it’s going to be, and what I really want here at home. It’s so different and with a lot of changes and homesickness (yes, the opposite way it’s sooo true) but I’m sure that my adaptation will come soon. I would love to still work on my English and to work with kids, but also something to do with my degree will be perfect.
This experience changed my life, my thoughts, my way to see the world. Its hard when your time in the USA is over and more with everything that is going on right now about the pandemic but I’m so excited to be finally with my family and friends back and share this beautiful year that happened so fast! I’m so glad to stop by my local agency in my city (ICS Mexico) and to have the opportunity to come here. Thank you USA for gave me the best year of my life!!!