We might have mentioned it before, but our au pairs really do never fail to make us proud! This week, we are so excited to share Brazilian au pair Bruna’s story with you! She has recently received an ‘Outstanding Student Award’ from her ESL (English) class. Her local and Community Counselor Cindy as well as her host parents were all there, right by her side, to celebrate Bruna’s excellent efforts. Read her full speech down below!

ESL course crushed – well done, Bruna!
“I have learned over the past two years, that the au pair life is like taking a hike. But not just a normal hike. It’s that one that you always think about taking, before getting discouraged when you see how hard it may be. Because after all, leaving your own country to start all over is probably going to be the toughest challenge you are going to have in your young life.
At first, you are really excited about it. The view of Times Square on your first day is all you need to start your adventure. Everything is new! New country, language, culture, home and the few people that you chose to be your new family.
However, like any other hard hike, in the middle of the way, you are going to get tired. So you’ll start asking yourself: “What am I doing here?”. Homesickness will hit you as hard as it can. Now, everything is so different compared to what you are used to. And all of your friends and family are not around anymore. The worst part is that as hard as your life can get, they won’t understand what you’re going through. At some point, since you have no experience with hikes, you’re going to get lost. But!
But luckily you will meet people and they will help show you the way. New friends from different countries, your “exchange program love”, or even a teacher that will encourage you to give your best at studying English. Although you will have their support, they can’t come with you, because it’s not their hike. You have to learn to be strong and continue on your own. Even though you may fall, get hurt, and even cry (few times by the way). You may even think about turning around, pack your bags and go back home.
But you should change your mind, because you have come too far. You have worked so hard. To go back is a much longer way than just continuing to push forward.
But believe me, when you reach the endof your hike,the view is so breathtaking! All you can think is: “I’m glad I didn’t give up, it was worth every struggle”. So many amazing trips that you never imagined you would have the chance to do. Disney, California, New York, and many other places are not only part of your memories of movies and dreams anymore, but of your own adventures. Friends from all over the world. And the best part: you can easily communicate with any person in your country and in the US as well. Communication barriers are no longer a problem for you.
And finally, you turn around and see that are several other hikers on the same path. They are ready to go even further, to explore beyond. That is when you realise, you’ve made this far and you now have the strength to continue, and see all the wonderful possibilities this life has to offer.

Bruna with her local community counselor Cindy
Well, I would like to thank the people that guided and supported me along my hike on this au pair journey.
First of all: Au Pair in America to help me to make my dream to go to the US come true. And of course my excellent counselor Cindy, for helping me go through with every cultural shock and caring about me all over the way. I would also like to thank my two host families, for letting me be part of their families, trusting me their kids and showing me not only the American culture, but also the Korean and Jewish one as well. Furthermore, my English teachers over the last two years, for all the dedication and amazing classes. It was an honor to have you all as my teachers, and also all my friends for the adventures here. I wouldn’t have made it without you. I can definitely say that I had the time of my life on the last two years.
If you can dream, you can make it. Thank you for being part of my dream.”

Bruna and her host parents <3