Jessika | The Road So Far…

by Tyra Wilson

                  ” Now more than ever I realise that this amazing program is all about the people.”

Last time we heard from Jessika she was still soaking up the magic of experiencing the Holiday Season in the USA! Six months into her au pair year, she is still loving every day and every experience! Check out what she’s been up to below ⬇️

Hi Guys! 👋

I’m now in my 6th month here in the United States, and in this blog I will tell you a little more about everything I have experienced during the last 6 months.

Always exploring!

Always exploring!


A few days after I arrived to my host family’s home, my Community Counsellor Jill came over to talk to me and my host family about lots of things including how I was settling in, how to apply for my social security number and the options available to me to complete my study credits. Jill – thank you so much! In our meeting Jill brought me SO many options of courses and important information on how I applied for these classes. My first course was “English Business”, in a language school, which is directed to the students who have the advanced English level, I completed my first 3 credits in this course that lasted a month and a half approximately.

My second course was “Polishing your American English”, at a University, I did it in one weekend and completed the 3 credits that were left. Both courses were wonderful, besides being able to learn about new subjects, I was able to meet many incredible people. My tip, if you have the idea to come to study a lot, do not waste time, start researching courses straight away so you can start studying as soon as possible!  In addition to the courses that I received credits for,  I also go to the library every Thursday for free ESL (English as second Language) classes. It is totally free and the volunteer teachers are the best. I started ESL classes at the library before I started the other courses, I love the place and it has helped me feel so confident with my English!


This is also such an important part of the Au Pair in America program . I’ve decided that I want to extend for a second year with my host family (yay!!) and as my International Driver’s Permit is only valid for one year, I’ve decided to take the State driving test to get my New Jersey license. Here in New Jersey where I live the process of getting the driver’s license was super easy and fast. I went to the DMV closest to my host house with all my documents, I filled out two simple forms, I paid the fee, I took a photo, signed it and took the test then and there!


My Canadian visa was approved… woohoo!! 😁😁 I live less than 8 hours by car from Toronto, and this last month I started researching how to visit Canada so I can have the opportunity to explore and get to know another country. In my next blog I’ll give you a full update on how my trip to Canada was, what I did, must see places and of course the best places to eat!

6 months in!


As I have been reflecting on the past 5 months, now more than ever I know that this program is all about the amazing people that it brings into your life. Don’t get me wrong, there are so many incredible things that I am grateful for and that I wouldn’t have been to achieve without being an Au Pair in America. The countless new experiences, improving and feeling more confident with my english, to name just a few. But the people I’ve met over the past 5 months have impacted my life so much and already hold a special place in my heart. ❤️

I appreciate the friendship of everyone I’ve met and I am so grateful to be able to spend time with you all. Special shout out to my South African friends Nonkululeko and Dominiq. Love you guys so much! 😘


These girls are the BEST! ❤️

If you’re ready to try something new and experience life in the USA as an au pair like Jessika, register on our website and you could be jetting off to the States before you know it!

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