“ Everything in life is a cycle, make the most of the simple moments. Live, take a chance, create expectations, make plans, experience and be courageous. Know that there is nothing wrong with being scared or fearful, but please do not your worries stop you from achieving your goals, do not let it create barriers in your future. Make your choices and be happy with them.”
Spring Is In The Air!
Hi Guys, how are you?
I hope you are enjoying my blogs and that you have even more reason to experience life as an au pair in the United States. Have you signed up yet? No? Click here if you want to 😉
Today I thought I’d talk about the weather in the United States. It’s not the most exciting theme I know, but it is always good to have as much information as possible about a new country, right? As you know, my home country is Brazil. Before I became an au pair, the thought of experiencing an American winter terrified me! In Brazil the seasons of the year are not as well defined as they are in the USA. In my city, Rio de Janeiro, it is hot most of the year and we are used to temperatures of more than 35 degrees Celsius (95F).
My first tip for you; Before coming to the United States find out what the weather will be in the city where you will live with your host family so you know what to pack! In the United States and the Northern Hemisphere, the seasons of the year look like this: Spring begins in March, Summer in June, Fall in September and Winter in December.
Snow in Love
The good news is, I survived my first American winter… yay! There were days when the thermometers clocked minus13 degree Celsius (8F). My host family said this was the coldest winter they’ve ever experienced… EEK! It was during this crazy cold winter that I experienced snow for the first time. Now I’ll be honest with you, I definitely didn’t fall in love with snow, but it was amazing to experience it for the first time and it is beautiful in spite of being SO cold.
Tip number 2 – Do not worry about bringing thousands of clothes for cold weather. You do not need to spend all your savings in your home country because shopping in the States is the BEST! My tip is to buy only one good coat, gloves and snow boots. I brought enough clothes for the cold, as I said, I was terrified and I did not want to get cold at all.
Tip number 3: I love thrift stores, I really love them and I’m not ashamed to say it. They are one of my favourite things about the USA. One of the best is called Goodwill and they have stores through-out America. In addition to saving money on clothes you are also doing something good. Goodwill fund training and job placements to more than 36 million people in the USA! If you want more tips on how to save money during your Au Pair in America year, leave me a comment below and I’d be happy to share my top tips with you in my next post.

My Favourite Season
The title of this blog may have given you a slight clue…the Spring! Experiencing Spring in the USA has been AMAZING! Walking through the streets I realize the wonders of creation. The city is full of floral blossom, everything looks like a fairytale. I will never get bored of looking at the cherry blossom, all the flowers and the beautiful sunsets. ❤️ I’m very happy to be here and every day I feel grateful for having the opportunity to experience life in the U.S!
Everything in life is a cycle and we need to make the most of the simple moments. Live, take a chance, experience, make plans and be courageous. Know that there is nothing wrong with being scared or fearful, but please do not let your worries stop you from achieving your goals. Do not let it create barriers in your future. Make your choices and be happy with them.
Ps. You thought it was over? Next month will be my 9th month here and here’s a sneak preview of what I have coming up… After 6 months of waiting, I will finally be going to the Statue of Liberty and Disneyland! I’m SO excited and can’t wait to share my experiences with you.