Teresa has experienced one of the BEST things about being an Au Pair in America… the moment when your au pair friends become your best friends! She tells us all about her recent adventures to Washington D.C with her new bestie!
Hi Guys!
My best Canadian friend and I, being tired and exhausted after an unsuccessful hunt for inexpensive Halloween costumes, celebrated our 2-Months-of-friendship-Anniversary at Five Guys. Our slogan: 2 months of friendship – 4 seasons of “That 70s Show” (and probably 10 buckets of ice cream). Our friendship made a big step forward during the last weeks, so big, that I can’t imagine living here without her anymore.
We met at the Orientation, she was my roommate and was going to be in my cluster. We clicked immediately, because we had a lot of things in common next to both being on the Au Pair in America program. We both love art, books, theatre and have the same taste in music. So, it was obvious from that moment, that we would be spending a lot of time together.
So, we both went to Washington DC at the beginning of our second month and OH MY GOD, it was so amazing! After four hours on the freezing bus, we arrived… 5am… all stores closed, check-in at the hotel was impossible at that time of day, so we took an Uber to the Lincoln Monument and sat down, watching the sunrise. This was one of those magical moments you keep in your heart forever. We wandered around the area for an hour or two and finally made our way to the hotel. In these two days in Washington, I have seen more of the city than I expected and a great bonus was, that most of the museums are free and it is very easy to walk around the city (and way less stressful than it is in New York)! On the way too hot bus back (the bus driver could never figure out the perfect temperature), my friend and I talked a lot about her, making a big tough decision. She wanted to go into rematch and so she did the next day.
She ended up staying with us whilst she was looking for a new host family and I am so grateful for everything my host parents did for her. It’s unbelievable! They had no problem with her staying at ours and made her feel at home. She was allowed to be with me while I was looking after the kids, they trusted us completely. Her rematch showed me, that I have found the perfect match with my family. And finally, after two weeks of the excitement of living together, she matched and now lives just 10 minutes away from me. I couldn’t be happier and neither can she. At first it was a little bit weird, that she had moved out – I mean we literally spend 2 weeks 24/7 with each other (binge watching “That 70s Show” and eating ice cream).
The day she moved out was extremely exciting for me, not because I helped her packing – I met friends from home! The family I used to babysit for, over the last 4 years, spend some days in New York. I was so happy to meet them! They took me to Liberty and Ellis Island and I came back home with a bag full of good old German candy, winter clothes, some little presents and a heart full of homesickness. I almost cried when I put my winter coat in my closet and smelled my mom’s laundry soap. So I had some Rittersport Chocolate and felt a little better right away. Homesickness is mean, it doesn’t bother you at all when your friend is living at yours, but when she finally moves out, it hits you…
Some more adventures followed during the second month. I have been to Philadelphia and enjoyed the wonderful fall colors in Central Park. So, I got over my homesickness very fast thankfully.
To end this post: Friend, if you are reading this. I love you!